November 18, 2008

A Little Poetry

by Linda Frank

Upon myself I take their sorrows.
A heart so burdened by the weight.
My pace grows slowed and labored
With knowledge of their destined fate.

I do not deign to say “I know”
For that is not my right to feel.
But of their lives,
So callous held
By others who’d not think me real,
To be so bothered
And seek from harm
The ones who cannot shout...


Mercy's pleas are little heard
Above the deaf and hardened crowd.
Yet in my saddened, stifled heart
Silent cries ring clear and loud.



Anonymous said...

A very passionate plea against the slaughter of innocents!
From butchered animals to abused children to victims of war to climate change and species extinction to people with neurological diseases to trees felled for pavement to plants put to compost, the emotions of passionate people feel it all. The emotions of the rest,seem not to have time to feel. Time does not stop in their minds like it does for the passionate.
Art flows from the depths of someone
with passion,but can too much passion darken the spirit?
I'm sure you have more...

Anonymous said...


Just wanted to wish you a peace filled new year...miss you at the OG forums!

Peacegarden Gail

Linda said...

Blessed New Year to you, too, Gail.