November 29, 2005


The beds are all cleared
Prepping dormant for naps
Through the harshness of winter
Under mulch-covered wraps.

Some plants I've cut back
Some plants I've let go
For the finches and titmice
Nibbling seed stalks in snow

The birdbath's plugged in
So the water won't freeze
It's no fun to watch birdies
Skidding ice on their knees

Tools put away
Spent flowers and weeds
Are dumped into compost
For microherds' needs

We're having the roof done
And windows replaced
Which means hordes of plants
Must be sadly displaced.

I have moved about thirty
Mulched with leaves all around
Calmed and assured them
They'd return to safe ground

Once spring comes I'll rescue
Their emerging green heads
Uncover and plant them
In spiffy new beds

But one thing overlooked
One thing I forgot
I didn't put labels
On each plant's winter spot

I'm hoping that as
All plant 'mothers' know
New leaves will reveal
What life's growing below

Oh, of course I will know them!
How could I not see?
For they're like my children
And always will be

And even if weeks pass
Not knowing who's who
I'll simply do
What I always do


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